Buying a domain name with Tucana.NG is quite easy. One of the simplest ways to go about is:
1. Enter your desired domain name in the field provided to confirm availability.
2. If it is available, proceed to making a purchase by clicking on Order now. If it has already been purchased, a list of available alternative options will be provided.
3. Check the box in front of any of the available add-ons you would like to purchase with your domain. DNS Management and Email Forwarding free, while ID Protection costs N1,500 per year. Then click on Continue.
4. If you are a new customer, fill in your details. However, if you are an existing customer, you may click the Already Registered tab and fill in your details.
If you would like to use different details for the registrant's contact, click on the drop down below the Domain registrant information section and fill in the details.
Then click on Complete order at the bottom of the page.
5. Proceed to Checkout. You may validate your promotional code if you have any.
6. You will be directed to the available payment methods. Select any one of your choice and click Pay.