Verifying Domain and Account Information

  1. To verify your domain and account information, you will need to be logged into your Site Lock account by going to
  2. Once logged in, you will be looking at your dashboard
  3. Click on Verify Domain.
  4. As you can see, there are two ways to verify your domain; we will be dealing with the easier first option, as the method using code could potentially break your scripts.
  5. Click on the first Click here link in the dialog box, which will download an HTML file to your local computer.
  6. After the file is downloaded, you will need to log into your Bluehost control panel.
  7. Another popup will occur, the File Manager Directory Selector. Make sure to select Webroot to get into your public_html directory. If you open the home directory, that is fine. You will need to navigate to the public_html folder to ensure the file is uploaded to the correct directory.
  8. Once you are in the correct directory or public_html, please hit the Upload button on the top of your File Manager. You will then be taken to the following screen to upload the verification file.
  9. Once you have selected the HTML file from your local computer, click okay, and the upload will begin.
  10. Now that the file has been uploaded to your account, you will need to go back to your SiteLock Dashboard to finalize the verification. Get back to the Verify Domain dialog box from earlier but click the click here link at the bottom. SiteLock will crawl your site to find the verification file we uploaded and successfully verify your domain
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